Bulletin Board
South Florida Regional Meeting
To be annoused
Same Location as Last Years Meeting
"Wings Plus"
9880 W Sample Rd
Coral Springs, FL
All Members and Prospective Members are Welcome to Attend
Please Contact the following :
Phone - 516-294-5129
E-Mail - rpasny@aol.com
With the number of guest that will attend!
The R.P.A. has over 4,000 members who have retired from Police Departments across New York State. We are trying to recruit new members and eventually reach a goal of 5,000. If we could get every member to send us the name of one retiree that he/she knows that is not a member, we can reach our goal of 5,000. If you are not a member at this time, why not join us and enjoy the brotherhood of other N.Y. Police retirees.
CLICK- For an application here
CLICK - E-Mail Mike Ferranola here
"Regular Meeting Schedule"
Regular meetings of the Association are held on the third Thursday of every month. 1930 hours, except July and August at the American Legion Post 1066, 66 Veterans Blvd., Massapequa, NY (across from the north side of the Long Island Railroad Station, east of Broadway.
A Representative of Washington, D.C. based "National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare" is to be a guest speaker at the November 20th open meeting. Please plan to attend this important meeting.
Memorial Scholarship Program
In an effort to provide a benefit and service to our members and their families, and in recognition to our active and deceased brother and sisters, this association has a Memorial Scholarship Program. The President and Executive Board of Officers elected to start this program in 1998. There will be six individual scholarships awarded and sponsored by the Association. At this time, each award will be in the amount of Two Hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).
The scholarships will be awarded to a son, daughter, or grandchild of an active or deceased member of this organization. The active member shall be in good standing for the present year of the award, and the deceased member in good standing during the last year of his/her death. Five of the scholarships will be in the name of the Retired Police Association of the State of New York. The sixth scholarship will also be sponsored by this Association in the name of our deceased Past President Joseph Dioguardi, as an honor to his dedication and service to the R.P.A. This scholarship shall be named the Joseph Diguardi Scholarship Award. Additional scholarships may be awarded.
Individual and groups, members or non-members, wishing to honor or memorialize a deceased or living person, or as a donation to this program, may do so by funding another scholarship in the amount of $250.00 or more. The scholarship will then be identified and presented in the name of the person to be memorialized or honored, if any, along with the sponsor or sponsors. These additional scholarships will be greatly appreciated and so recognized in this newsletter prior to and after the November drawing.
No more than one scholarship will be awarded to a family member each year. However more than one eligible student from that family may be sponsored, (only one applicant per student will be accepted). Prior winners will not be eligible. Eligible students of a deceased member may be sponsored by either the widow or the widower of the of the deceased member, or an active member.
The eligible student must be attending a college, university or college level business, trade or technical school on a full time basis for the school year.
Scholarship recipients will be selected on a lottery basis in order to give each applicant an equal chance of selection. Winners will be requested to provide proof of eligibility in the form of a transcript, bursars receipts, or some other official format. Members of the Scholarship Committee will have the right to verify eligibility. Scholarship awards will be drawn at the November General Meeting by the Scholarship Committee, and under the supervision of the Executive Board of Officers.
An application doe a scholarship can be found below, and should be sent to the address noted on the application. Any questions concerning this program can be directed to the Scholarship Committee, which includes the following:
Committee Chairman Edward Carr, Quartermaster
Joseph Arico, 1st VP, Kevin Hassett, Treasurer,
Edward Curran, Judge Advocate
CLICK- For an application here
CLICK - E-Mail Mike Ferranola here